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Tibia MC 8.71 / NG Bot 8.71 / Ip changer 8.71

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Tibia MC 8.71 / NG Bot 8.71 / Ip changer 8.71 Empty Tibia MC 8.71 / NG Bot 8.71 / Ip changer 8.71

Mensagem  gugubot Sex Jan 28, 2011 3:53 am

Tibia MC 8.71
Tibia MC is a program that allows you to run two or more clients Tibia. Normally you can only play for one customer. Tibia MC can not play two characters at once, if they are in the same account (Here Tibia MC will not help, because it is set 'server-side'). So I need at least two accounts to play two characters at once, the three accounts as we want to play three characters.

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NeoBot 8.71 (Full)
NeoBot is an advanced new generation tool for Tibia who's functionality is completely external and free of the client. It doesn't send or receive packets, doesn't alter memory, doesn't inject dlls and doesn't modify the client's functionality in any way, like most of the other tools do while exposing themselves to many risks like causing otherwise impossible behavior or performing actions at unrealistic speeds. More importantly, this gives rise to many new possibilities!
NeoBot 8.71 (Full) Download
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ElfBot NG 8.71 (Full)
The bot ElfBot was at first created for private war purposes on the PvP-Enforced game world Dolera, where rune exhaust was only one second and battles were thus very time-critical. On Dolera, ressources were rare and the penalty for dying was huge since blessings were absent on PvPe worlds. Sides that were able to overthrow the enemy in one battle were almost assured of the war's victory and control over the server. People would use almost any cheap trick if only it could increase their chances of winning.

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Mensagens : 578
Data de inscrição : 20/09/2010

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